| 1. | The stale literary phrase showed that the man had been educated at a mission school . 从这句陈腐的比喻可以知道,这个人曾在教会学校念过书。 |
| 2. | In this famous mission school , bizarre dresses are forbidden 在这所著名的教会学校,奇装异服被严厉禁止。 |
| 3. | Bizarre dress is strickly forbidden in this famous mission school 在这所著名的教会学校,奇装异服被严厉禁止。 |
| 4. | Influence of christian mission school of middle ages on modern universities 中世纪基督教会学校对近代大学的影响 |
| 5. | Part iii discusses the developmental process of the american mission schools 第三部分美国在华教会学校的发展历程。 |
| 6. | Catholic mission school 天主教总堂区学校 |
| 7. | Part ii introduces the background in which the american mission schools were set up 第二部分美国在华教会学校创办的背景。 |
| 8. | The prince is a fine young man of pedigree , educated in the mission school 王子是家族中一个很不错的年轻人在教会学校读过书 |
| 9. | Part iv is about the influences the american mission schools had on chinese modern education and its evaluation 第四部分美国在华教会学校对中国近代教育事业的影响及评价。 |
| 10. | The first part is introduction which delineates the research situations of the modern mission schools in china 第一部分绪论,主要就国内外有关近代在华教会学校的研究概况作一回顾和梳理。 |